My New Year’s Resolutions ~Onward to 2014

Time surely flies. The year 2013 is coming to an end folks!

I know not much people are into the whole new year ‘s resolution thing and that’s cool. I, however, like to atleast jot down a few things I’ll like to focus on and achieve in the coming year.

1. First, I want to be a better person. Pray more, be gudied by God more, love more and give more. There are areas of myself I can improve on and I would very much like to do so.

2. I want to create more stuff, whether it  be art, content for the blog, or clothes. I just want to do more with my hands and my talents.

3. Grow my hair an additonal four inches.

4 inches

4 inches

4.Exercise and dance. Need to kick this body into gear and get fit.



5.Spend less time in front of my laptop.

get outside

get outside

6. Save! I need to be more responsible with my money. Now isn’t the time to be spending carelessly.

And that is it.

When you are making your own resolutions make sure you don’t overwhelm yourself. I had a super long list for this year and I’m not sure if I even covered half of it.

This will be my last post for the year  2013. I started this blog this year and I’m excited to see how it will grow in the year to come.

Have a safe time guys and Happy New Year!.

Onward to 2014!!


Here is wishing you and yours, a Merry Christmas! I pray you all enjoy your day! 


With lots of love, 

Isaiah 9: 6

For unto us a Child is born,
Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Itstailormade signature

Itstailormade signature


Late Night Sketch…

After a long  day of cleaning decided to do this.

girl practice sketch

girl practice sketch

I really hate to go through a day without drawing.

Plan to draw everyday for the new year and the ending of this one, though I don’t know how possible that will be since the end of the year is super busy with holiday festivities.

Not that I am complaining. I love the holidays!

Thanks for stopping by.

Itstailormade signature

Itstailormade signature


Infinity Scarf

I live in the Caribbean so it’s pretty much constantly warm here. Actually, it’s pretty HOT! Our Christmases are white all right, white hot. Get it?

I really have no need for an infinity scarf but I do like the style. I really wish one day I could travel to some wintry country so I could, not only touch snow and see it all for the first time, but so I can dress for it  as well. How does it feel really to bundle up in some many clothes and waddle through snow’s icy blankets?

girl with the infinity scarf

girl with the infinity scarf

All I can do right now is imagine it, which is okay for now, cause I’m not even sure if my body would thank me for subjecting it to such temperatures.

Afterall, I’m the girl wearing a hoodie in the air-conditioned office in my warm homeland and if I can’t handle air-con here, the real deal is going to kick my butt.

Oh well, when the day does come, I’ll meet it with a brave face and countless layers.

This is a clean sketch done in Gimp. Practice, practice practice.

Thanks for reading~

Itstailormade signature

Itstailormade signature

Roses and a Dress~

It’s December!! Isn’t it amazing how time just hurries along?

With December comes Christmas, the celebration of the greatest gift to man, the birth of  Jesus Christ.

I adore this time of year, I’m usually all smiles but I’m even crazier around this time. I just love to be around my family and friends as we all celebrate together. The atmosphere, for me anyway, is just full of love and hope.

Early on Christmas mornings, my family and I go to church and  I thought I’ll make my own Christmas dress this year. I’ve always wanted to but for some reason something gets in the way or I don’t see a piece of fabric that I like.

This year, I browsed in the early and found a vibrant purple rose embellished fabric that I adore and some stretched taffeta to go with it.

Rose embellished fabric stretch taffeta

Rose embellished fabric
stretch taffeta

I had work with a similiar piece of fabric before but I didn’t have enough time to finish it in the style I really wanted to so I’m trying again.

Here is my little fashion sketch of what I have in mind:

Scoop neck dress with a circle bottom~

Scoop neck dress with a circle bottom~

Christmas dress sketch

Christmas dress sketch

It’s really simple but I’m a big fan of this silhouette.

I’ll make sure to post the final result here. Don’t be too surprised if the final look differs from my sketch, when it comes to sewing I tend to deviate from my initial idea.

Thanks for reading.

Itstailormade signature

Itstailormade signature