Sketch Batch

Here are a few sketches I drew over the course of time I was away from the blog.

Sketches of the Week

Sketches of the Week

Been busy with some projects so no finished work for now but you’ll see some fanart  of Annie Mei and Rei from the artist CT Chrysler [more of his stuff  here and here] and some concept drawings of my character, “The Girl With the Sky In Her Hair”.

Yes, I know it’s the longest name ever. Not that long names are bad or anything . I mean Sparky Sparky Boom Man is a pretty popular name [talking about such, have you seen the Book Three Legend of Korra trailer as yet?] . I just haven’t found the perfect name yet but I’m sure I will.

Till then, bye and enjoy your week.

Itstailormade signature

Itstailormade signature

Girl With the Sky In Her Hair Sketch

Heya, hope everyone’s day is going well.

Did some sketching yesterday of an OC (Original Character) I’ve had in mind. She is just known as ‘ The Girl with the Sky in Her Hair’ for right now. If you look at the banner for this blog just above, you’ll see my very first drawing of her. I talk a bit more about it here .

I have a million ideas floating around in my brain for this character right now so look forward to more sketches of her.

Below sketch and lineart.

Sky in her Hair

Sky in her Hair

Hope you like.

Do you have any OCs of your own? Tell me down in the comments section.

See ya.

Itstailormade signature

Itstailormade signature


New Month!

Hope everyone is keeping up with the goals they set earlier this year. I haven’t been completely consistent but I’m not giving up yet. I can still turn things around and so can you.

Morning Sketches

Some morning sketches to loosen up a bit. Did these in Photoshop, haven’t been in there for a while and it felt a bit foreign so I’ll be returning to it more often.

Have a great day!

Itstailormade signature

Itstailormade signature